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The Kenyan Film Classification Board, Ezekiel Mutua, a self-styled 'fervent moral crusader', slammed its 'happy ending' and for showing 'the resilience of youngsters involved in lesbianism'.ĭespite homosexuality being a massive taboo subject in most of Africa, 'Rafiki' director Wanuri Kahiu insisted she never meant to cause a scandal. Underlining the ongoing struggle of gay people in much of the world, Kenya banned the homegrown romance of two teenage girls, 'Rafiki', just days before the festival. Read also: Is a 'Call Me By Your Name' sequel already in the works? 'When people compare the two, it's because there's a homosexual theme. That expresses real discrimination,' Honore said. He also condemned as 'unbearable' any comparison drawn between his film and '120 BPM'. When you are dealing with the sexuality of the majority (heterosexuality), that's not an issue but it often is when you're talking about two men,' he said. Honore, who has long given gay characters pride of place in his films, told AFP that same-sex relationships on screen were often caricatures that homed in on a purported 'unique identity' of gay people. And French feature 'Sorry Angel' by Christophe Honore is a tender gay love story set at the height of the AIDS epidemic.

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